Here are some guidelines about how to lose weight safely:
1. Eat fewer calories : Decrease the no. of calories you get while increasing your physical activity everyday . A safe plan is to eat 300 - 500 fewer calories a day to lose 1-2 pounds/week.
2. Lose weight slowly : It is best to aim for losing 1/2 to 2 pounds / week . "Crash diet" may take off pounds faster, but can cause you to gain back even more pounds than you lost after you stop the diet.
3. Exercise : Get active for atleast 30 mins / day . You don't have to go to gym . Brisk walking, gardening, riding a bicycle, tennis , dancing - all count as exercise. To get more active, you can park your car far away from mall or take the stairs instead of elevator.
4. Eat less fat and sugar : Eat lean types of meat, poultry and fish. Eat less sugar and fewer sweets. Drink less or no alcohol.
5. Eat wide variety of food including starches and dairy products. This helps your body to get the nutrients and vitamins. There are many good tasting low ,no and reduced fat milks , yogurt, cheese, ice creams.Eat smaller amounts of food at each meal.
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